Dogodki, razstave in mediji

Sala Civica Austriaca, Castello di S. Zeno, via...

Emi presente con le sue opere al convegno che ha coinvolto Italia, Cina e Slovenia il 25 Novembre 2016 a Montagnana.
Emi  attended with her works at the conference that involved Italy, China and Slovenia on the 25th November 2016 in Montagnana (Italy).


25 Novembre2016

Sala Civica Austriaca, Castello di S. Zeno,

via Carrarese 24, Montagnana (PD) Italia




verso lo showroom permanente IL FONDACO DELLA CINA (fashion, food & beverage, design, made in Italy e servizi per le imprese)

per il progetto


finalizzato al consolidamento delle relazioni economiche e commerciali tra Italia e Ciina superando le difficoltà legate all'esportazione, le normative internazionali di prodotto, le problematiche doganali, la comunicazione esterna e alle barriere culturali e linguistiche.


Nova Gorica at Park, Casino & Hotel

Here's the video of the exhibition's  inauguration by Emi in Nova Gorica at Park, Casino & Hotel .

Ecco il video dell'inaugurazione della mostra personale di Emi al Park, Casinò & Hotel di Nova Gorica.


Latisana's Galleria Mauro

A pagina 6 la recensione della mostra in Slovenia di Eminjana Persic, che ha avuto anche l'onore di presentare in anteprima alcune sue opere al pubblico presso la Galleria Mauro a Latisana in occasione della "Latisana-San  Michele en plain-air".

At page 6 the article about Eminjana Persic's exhibition in Slovenja. She also exposed some work in preview at Latisana's Galleria Mauro during the event "Latisana-San Michele en plain-air".



Casinò Park, al via la mostra di quadri di Eminjana Emi Persic

"In occasione dell’inaugurazione, prevista il 27 febbraio, il critico Antonio Maria Pivetta commenterà i 25 dipinti esposti, alla presenza del noto artista Miro Peršolja, pittore, scultore e restauratore, nominato Ambasciatore Ponte tra Artisti Italiani e Cinesi per EXPO2015.

La mostra rappresenta un’occasione privilegiata per entrare in contatto con la pittura delicata e sognante di Eminjana Persic, in arte Emi.

[...] Oggi, a 52 anni, Emi è una delle promesse della pittura slovena che punta a farsi conoscere anche oltre i confini nazionali.“


Vernissage per Emi a Nova Gorica

"La pittura di Emi è frutto della sua sensibilità, dell’energia, della vitalità, della delicatezza, del suo sguardo rivolto al futuro del mondo, pittura che ha il grande pregio di suscitare nello spettatore quella preziosa, lieve sensazione di felicità. Sono veramente orgoglioso di Emi, di esser riuscito a infonderle la forza, necessaria perché lei creda in ciò che fa, nella sua creatività artistica”.
Descrive così la sua allieva il noto artista Miro Persolja che ha donato ad Emi le sue soluzioni tecniche ed espressive. Eminjana Persic, slovena, la vita l’ha messa a dura prova, ma ora, anche attraverso la sua arte, riesce a sorridere nuovamente alla vita."

Glamour Casinò

L’arte di Eminjana Emi Persic in mostra al Casinò Park & Hotel Di Nova Gorica dal 27 Febbraio

"- L’urlo della felicità si trasforma in colore.

L’amore per la vita respira in ogni sua opera ed è il messaggio più bello e più profondo che l’artista possa e debba dare. -

Sono queste le parole con cui il critico d’arte prof. dott. Antonio Maria Pivetta si riferisce all’opera di Eminjana Emi Persic, in mostra con la collezione “Trasformazione Interna” al Park Casinò & Hotel di Nova Gorica sino al 13 marzo 2015."


Il vortice della vita. 40x40. Opera presente alla mostra di Emi.
Il vortice della vita. 40x40. Opera presente
alla mostra di Emi.

Slikarka Eminjana Emi Peršič se predstavlja z razstavo v centru Park v Novi Gorici

" - Sanje, ki privrejo iz blaznosti, v katero nas pahne groza ob zavesti, da je konec naših navideznih gotovosti, so silovite. Kar rjovijo iz njenih slik in jih preplavljajo s svetlobo. Krik sreče se pretvori v barvo. Ljubezen do življenja diha iz vsakega dela posebej in predstavlja najlepše in najgloblje sporočilo, ki ga lahko in mora posredovati umetnik. -

To so besede, s katerimi priznani italijanski umetniški kritik prof. Antonio Maria Pivetta miselno zaobjema ustvarjalnost, ki jo Eminjana Emi Peršič predstavlja na razstavi z naslovom “Notranja preobrazba”, v prostorih igralniško-zabaviščnega centra Park v Novi Gorici."



Park, Casinò & Hotel di Nova Gorica

"Il Park, Casinò & Hotel è lieto di invitare la S.V. all’ inaugurazione della mostra personale della pittrice

Eminjana - Emi Persic: “Trasformazione interna”

I 25 dipinti esposti che custodiscono l’eccezionale storia di Emi, saranno presentati dal critico d’arte prof. dott. Antonio Maria Pivetta. Parte del ricavato della vendita delle opere sarà devoluto in beneficenza in favore di famiglie disagiate.
All'inaugurazione seguirà un momento conviviale con aperitivo.
Le opere saranno visibili sino al 13 marzo 2015.

Ospite della serata:
Miro Peršolja, pittore, scultore, restauratore; Ambasciatore ponte tra artisti Italiani - Cinesi EXPO 2015

Critico d’arte: prof. dott. Antonio Maria Pivetta"[tt_news]=2223&tx_ttnews[backPid]=158



Her Song of Freedom

Every one of us lives our own life and, amidst all our everyday realities, we tend to forget about our dreams. Yet when we are caught up in a whirl of despair, our dreams gush up to the surface and are converted into a new reality, into a desire for life, into a declaration of love.

When we find ourselves at an existential crossroads, reflected in a loss of certainty about our own existence underpinned by everything we have experienced before or as a hypothesis of the rational and the conscious or even as an energetic and cosmic continuum post mortem, dreams fuse with the survival instinct and impose upon us the will to continue living. They command us to live our life to the fullest.

The reality of the existential past prevails over the hypothetical nothing. And, inevitably, the reality and the dream merge together as one.

The answer to Borges’ crossroads, that is, to the question of how we choose can be discerned from decisions that were made by our self throughout our life. A declaration of love emerges from deep within and helps us rediscover the joys that we often, too often have failed to cherish: the light, the joy of living.

The works of art of Eminjana (“Emi”) testify to the truth of this assertion.

Manzoni’s words “twice in the dust, twice on the altar” in his ode not only apply to Napoleon, but also to Emi.

Divine assistance, whether we believe in God’s gift or destiny or not, gave her what is probably a unique chance to live again twice in this dimension.

The dream that surges from the insanity we find ourselves in, with the horrid realisation that what were once our apparent certainties have vanished, is indeed powerful. Such a dream roars from her paintings and floods them with light. The scream of happiness transforms into a colour. Love for life breathes from every one of her art works, conveying the most beautiful and profound message an artist can and must impart.

Emi’s works reveal the absence of melancholy and sadness, of pain and fear, so often seen in the creative works of many artists.

She does not ‘murder the moonlight’, she does not exalt the power and the force of things nor praise physical beauty but searches for the essence of the Creation.

And so the poverty of everyday life is redressed by the ode to happiness, the burst of love.

The proximity and influence of the artist Miro Peršolja has enabled Emi to find for herself the most suitable means of expression and technical solutions.

A nightingale that has just begun to sing will gradually perfect its skills and owe gratitude to its teacher only for having learned the stave. But if the nightingale is out of tune or does not have a profound message to deliver, its song will not reach any hearts and even the best of teachers will not be of any use.

Emi carries within herself a truth that is unique and absolute.

A truth that pierces every shield, overcomes every barrier and touches the soul directly. Her colours are intense as are the vibrations of her spirit, her forms are the notes of a harmonious and gentle melody. Regardless of the narration, they become a pretence to achieve the final destination – a fusion of dream and reality.

When we fly very high, the world seems so small, insignificant, distant, almost petty. We look like ants, but ants also have viruses and maybe viruses have their own viruses….

Emi flies high, but what appeals to the viewer, her magnetism, are the light, the life, God. Her yearning for the divine is manifested so that she takes us, lost in the vanity of everyday life, by the hand and leads us to genuine values. That is an enterprise she can undertake with great ease, as she has found herself at fateful crossroads twice, and twice was given the chance to continue her life in this dimension.

Perhaps that other dimension is infinitely more beautiful, but the certainty of not knowing it makes us prefer the one we live. Strange as it seems, Ancient Greek culture teaches us that a wise man knows he does not know anything. So we may conclude: we are not wise men. And even if we do know something, we surely lack wisdom.

Emi is an artist and, like with Beethoven, she creates her own 'Ode of Joy' in her every work of art. Her message tells a universal truth and, with her convincing means of expression, she is sending all of us her ‘Song of Freedom’.

Prof. Antonio Maria Pivetta, art critic

 Il maestro Miro Persolja durante un vernissage.
Il maestro Miro Persolja durante un vernissage.

At the opening of my solo exhibition in Latisana, Italy, I was surprised when overhearing someone say in Slovenian: “This is my friend Miro”. I looked across to a table laden with exhibition catalogues and to my great delight saw a friend from my younger days, someone I’d not seen for over 30 years. It was a very pleasant surprise for us both. We exchanged a few words and I discovered that his life partner was very talented in painting so I decided to introduce her to the secret of an original painting technique that characterises me. Without even a hint of jealousy, I unveiled to her the diverse range of techniques used, while Emi literally soaked up the knowledge with great attention and feeling. Her imagination, her refined and rich colouring and the newly embraced painting technique had added a new dimension to her paintings. What was most important for me was that I could pave the way for her to become a professional painter. Almost overnight, Emi became a true professional artist, something I am very proud of. She learned from me with dedication and soon came to realise she had within her a creative power of proportions rarely seen in academic painters. Her works are the outcome of her great sensibility, energy, vitality, sensitivity…, her outlook focuses on the future of the world, which is why her paintings evoke a sensation of happiness in the viewer. Emi, I am truly proud I have instilled in you faith and confidence in your own work, in your artistic creativity. I am sure some wise guy will come along who won’t like your paintings. Never mind. Jealousy, envy and malice are parts of our lives, but I can assure you that you are on the right track. It suffices if you pour out your creative power onto canvas. You have entered the world of Slovenian painting and, in the future, you will also be spoken about in the international arena. Listen to yourself, do what you feel and ignore others’ comments.

Your life has not been a bed of roses, but I’m convinced your talent will bring you great joy. This will certainly be the most effective of all therapies. You have finally found what you were looking for. Continue working with your heart, with the great support from your beloved Herman.

With great respect and affection,

Your mentor Miro

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